Important Dates/Events:
Monday, February 1st-Friday
February 2nd—Catholic Schools Week
Day/Free Lunch/No Homework
Volunteer Appreciation
BSS Day – Wear your BSS apparel
1966 Dress Day
Mass at 11:00 -- Noon Dismissal
Friday, February 12th—Valentine’s
Day Celebration 12:45-1:45
Monday, February 15th-Friday,
February 19th—Winter Break
Upcoming Star of the Week: Jack
Please send your child in with a white shirt to be decorated
for our 101st day of school celebration by Friday, February 5th. We will decorate these shirts with paint, so
a shirt that is not too important would be best.
Math: We began unit eight, Tens and Ones on Thursday. Students worked to count groups of ten with
leftovers and explored numbers made with tens.
Next week we will learn about standard form (46 = 40 + 6) and think
about different ways to make numbers (40 + 2 = 42 and/or 30 + 12 = 42). We will also make lists to organize data for
these numbers.
Phonics: On Thursday we began our eighth unit which focuses on
blends and r controlled vowels.
Additional topics covered in this unit are blending and segmenting words
with up to four sounds, adding the suffix s to words with four sounds, and
reading with accuracy and prosody. This
unit will span two weeks and will conclude after February break.
Writing: Next
week, students will be writing about Catholic Schools Week. At this time, we are looking for students to
independently apply capital letters to the beginning of sentences, as well as
apply appropriate punctuation. Students
are also asked to access the “trick word” wall in the classroom to edit their
spelling of sight words.
Contractions: Students
will begin work with contractions. Using
the book I'm and Won't, They're and Don't: What's a Contraction?,
students will explore the shortened way they can write words.
Science: Next
week we will begin a new science unit which will cover pebbles, sand and silt.
We had a great time at Sparky's Puppets on Wednesday. We had a few 1A students chosen from the crowd as helpers!
Enjoy your weekend!