Friday, December 9, 2016

Weekly Update December 9th

In your child’s red folder you will find a copy of their trimester one report card.  Please sign only the envelope and return to me by Tuesday, December 13th.  

Our holiday concert will be on Tuesday, December 13th.  Students should wear dress clothes to school that day for the 10:00 concert.  There will be no gym on this day.  A second show will follow that evening at 6:30.  

Important Dates/Events:
·         Tuesday, December 13th—Christmas Concert 10AM and 6:30PM
·         Tuesday, December 20th – Mass 10AM
·         Tuesday, December 20th – Christmas Celebration 12:30-1:30
·         Thursday, December 22nd-Monday, January, 2nd – Winter Break

Upcoming Star of the Week:  Emma

Math: This week we began work in unit 6, which focuses on subtraction facts to 20.  We are working with 10 as a familiar and easy number to help us subtract.  Our strategy is primarily using a ten-frame to visually see 10 to subtract with.  

Here are some good math games I have found for addition and subtraction:

Most of the math games and activities that I suggest come from National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  You can find tons of resources here:

Phonics:  We are working  in our sixth unit, which focuses on basewords and the suffix s ending as in shops.  We are focusing on pluralization as well as the second sound for s as in the word bugs.  Up next in unit seven will be eight new glued sounds.  (ang, ong, ung, ing, unk, onk, ink, ank)

Religion: In religion we have been reading and discussing the Christmas story as well as reviewing Advent and the Christmas season.  If you have time, check out our Christmas bulletin board about the gifts students would bring to baby Jesus.

Enjoy your weekend.