Fundations Unit Guide

Unit 1
Letter formation (a-z)
Alphabetical order
Letter names, keywords and sounds: short vowels, consonants

Unit 2
Blending and reading three-sound short vowel words
Segmenting and spelling three-sound short vowel words
Phonemic awareness skills: Sound manipulation (initial, final, medial)
Sentence dictation procedures: Capitalization, period, word spacing
Sentence proofreading procedures
Sample Words: cat, sip, log, fox
Trick Words:  the      of       and    a    is    his

Unit 3
Concept of consonant digraph: letter, keyword and sounds: sh, ch, th, wh, ck
Spelling: ck at the end of words after a short vowel
Sentence dictation procedures: Question mark
Sample Words: hill, puff, chop, sock
Trick Words:    as    has    to    into    we    he    she    be     me    for     or

Unit 4
Bonus letter spelling rule: ff, ll, ss and sometimes zz
Narrative story form: Character, setting, main events
Sentence dictation procedures: Exclamation point and quotation marks
Reading: Accuracy and prosody
Glued sounds: all
Sample Words: hill, puff, bill, miss, call
Trick Words:    you     your    I     they    was    one    said   

Unit 5
Glued sounds: am, an
Sentence dictation procedures: Proofreading
Reading: Accuracy and prosody
Sample Words: ham, can, fan
Trick Words:   from      do       have     does

Unit 6
Baseword and suffix with the suffix -s ending (chops)
Reading: Narrative vs. informational books
Reading: Accuracy and prosody
Sample Words: hills, bugs, chills
Trick Words:    were    are     who    what     when     where     there     here

Unit 7 
Glued sounds: ang ,ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk
Blending and reading words with ng and nk
Segmenting and spelling words with ng and nk
Reading: Narrative vs. informational books
Reading:  Accuracy and prosody
Sample Words: bang, bank, pink, sings
Trick Words:    why     by    my     try     put    two     too     very     also     some     come

Unit 8
Consonant blends and digraph blends
Blending and reading words with four sounds (+suffix-s)
Segmenting and spelling words with four sounds (+suffix-s)
R-controlled vowel sounds: ar, or, er, ir, ur
Reading: Accuracy and prosody
Sample Words: bump, stash, bled, past, steps
Trick Words:    would    could     should     her     over     number

Unit 9
Closed syllable concept with closed vowels
Closed syllable vs. open syllable
Vowel team sounds: ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, oi, oy
Reading: Accuracy and prosody
Reading: Narrative vs. informational text
Sample Words: click, chunk, sniffs
Trick Words:    say     says    see     between     each

What is a closed syllable?
1.  A closed syllable can only have one vowel.
2.  The vowel is closed in by one or more consonants.
3.  The vowel sound is short and is marked with a breve.
4.  A colsed syllable can be combined with other syllables to make multisyllabic words.

Unit 10
Blending and segmenting words with five sounds (+ suffix –s)
Suffix -s added to words with five sounds
Suffixes -ed and -ing added to unchanging basewords and closed syllables
Vowel team sounds for: oa, oe, ow, ou, oo, ue, ew, au, aw
Reading: Accuracy and prosody
Reading: Narrative vs. informational text
Sample Words: stump, clasp, strap, slashing, blended
Trick Words:    any    many    how    now    down    out    about    our

Unit 11
Vowel-consonant-e syllable in one-syllable words
Long vowel sounds
Reading: Accuracy and prosody
Reading: Narrative vs. informational text
Sample Words: stove, hope, caves
Trick Words:    friend    other    another     none     nothing

What is a vowel-consonant-e?

1. This syllable has a vowel, followed by a consonant and then an e.
2. The first vowel has a long sound and is marked with a macron.
3. The e is silent.
4. This syllable can be combined with other syllables to make multisyllabic words.
Unit 12
Concept of syllable in multisyllabic words
Compound words
Syllable division rules
Reading and spelling words with two closed syllables or closed and v-e syllables
Reading: Accuracy and prosody
Reading: Paragraph structure
Sample Words: sunset, finish, reptile
Trick Words:    people    month    little    been    own     want     Mr.    Mrs.