
Homework Policy
Students will have two folders that will travel with them to and from school.  Students will use their yellow folder as their homework folder.  In this folder you will find nightly homework as well as the weekly homework assignment sheet.  In addition to nightly homework, students are asked to read at home for twenty minutes.  Students will use their red folder as their take home folder.  In this folder you will find corrected homework and classwork papers.  Notices from school will also come home in this folder.
Birthday Food Policy
The first grade will continue the policy of “fun without food” for birthday celebrations in the classroom.  We recognize the importance of celebrating these important milestones and will still celebrate your child’s special day.  Please feel free to send in stickers, erasers, pencils, or a classroom book donation as a party favor!  We appreciate your cooperation!
Attendance Procedures
If your child will be absent from school, please notify Mrs. Cathy Murphy in the main office, as well as your child’s classroom teacher as soon as you know about an absence.  This helps complete attendance and lunch count accurately.  If you are arriving late to school, please check in at the main office before arriving in the classroom.

First Grade Field Tip Policies

We are excited to welcome parents as chaperones for each of the first grade field trips!  Being a chaperone on a field trip is just one of the many ways you can be involved in your child’s first grade experience.  Since field trips are a popular time for parents to volunteer their time, we have a policy in place to ensure equity to parents and children on these days.  Please keep in mind that most trips have a limited number of adult spots that we are able to accommodate.  

  • Parents are encouraged to share their name if they are interested in accompanying the first grade on a given field trip. 
  • We will take the names and put them in a hat. 
  • We will draw names after we have collected the permission slips. 
·        Parents that have not yet been on a trip with the first grade this year will be put in the hat first so that they may have the opportunity to come if they have not come before.

There are four different trips throughout the year, so please keep in mind that there are additional opportunities to accompany first grade at a later time.

Thank you!

The First Grade Team