Important Dates/Events:
Wednesday, April 1st—School Mass at 10:15
Thursday, April 2nd—Easter
Party 9:30
Friday, April 3rd—Good
Friday – No School
Monday to Friday, April 20-24—April
We will
have gym Monday and Friday next week.
Please send your child in their gym uniform and sneakers on Monday.
Math: We completed work in out twelfth unit, Length. Look for your child’s assessment on this
topic in their red folder. Our next unit
will be Time. We will work to understand
the hour and minute hands, work to tell and write time to the hour and half
hour, and use data from a table. This is
a very short unit and will take about a week to complete.
As a reminder, please review math facts nightly with your
children. This will help ensure your
child’s success in math this year!
Religion: Students are learning about the different parts of
mass. On Friday we visited the Church
for a tour with Mrs. Arbuckle.
Phonics: In
phonics we are working in our tenth unit, which focuses on five sound
words with the addition of the suffix endings ing and ed. We will spend
time mastering new vowel teams for reading identification. This unit
will span three weeks.
Science: We
had a fun trip to Moose Hill this week to learn about the process of Maple
Sugaring. Ask your child about the
history and steps needed to make this delicious treat. We learned a lot and had a great hike in the
Have a nice weekend!