Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Weekly Update April 2nd

Important Dates/Events:
·         Monday to Friday, April 20-24—April Break
·         Thursday, April 30th—Progress Reports
·         Friday, May 1st—Grandparent’s Day Noon Dismissal

Upcoming Star of the Week:  Will Fleming
Upcoming Secret Reader: Patty Hanley

Math: We began work in our thirteenth unit, Time on Monday.  We are working to understand the hour and minute hands, working to tell and write time to the hour and half hour, and use data from a table.  This is a very short unit and will take about a week to complete.  Up next will be unit fourteen, Using Data to Answer Questions.

Phonics:  We are beginning our third week of unit ten.  In this final week, students will  work with the suffix endings ed and ing and work to apply these words in their dictation work.  Next Friday will be out unit assessment.  After this we will begin work with vowel-consonant e which is our first exploration of long vowels.

Writing: Students have been working on their March portfolio writing piece, which is about their sugaring trip to Moose Hill.  Students are now working on editing and revising through conferencing with an adult.  Their final pieces are looking great!  At home, students should be regularly applying capital letters and periods in their writing.

Science:  Next week students will begin work in our next unit, Pebbles, Sand and Silt.  Students will sort and compare 20 different pebble samples both in and out of water.  After this, we will be screening river rocks using mesh screens.  Students will then organize the river rocks in to large pebbles, small pebbles, large gravel, small gravel, and sand.  It should be a fun lesson!

Happy Easter!