Important Dates/Events:
· Monday to
Friday, April 20-24—April Break
· Thursday,
April 30th—Progress Reports
· Friday,
May 1st—Grandparent’s Day Noon Dismissal
Upcoming Star of the Week: Nine Chanpreechakul
Upcoming Secret Reader: Lisa
Math: We completed our unit on time on Monday. Please let me know if you have any questions
about your child’s assessment. This unit
covered understanding the hour and minute hands, telling and writing time to
the hour and half hour, and using data from a table. On Thursday we began our fourteenth unit,
Using Data to Answer Questions. This
unit will span three weeks and will be completed just after April break.
Religion: Students are continuing exploration of the Easter
season. Next week we will work up to the
Phonics: Today we completed work in our tenth unit, which focused on the ed and ing suffix endings as well as words with five sounds and three letter blends. Up next is our eleventh unit, which will focus on the long vowel sounds and the vowel-consonant-e spelling pattern like in the word bike.
Science: This week in science students worked explore
three types of rocks and evaluate their different properties. Next week we will work on screening river
rocks using mesh screens. Students will
then organize the river rocks in to large pebbles, small pebbles, large gravel,
small gravel, and sand. After this, we
will sort river rocks by size. We are
having a lot of fun.