Secret Reader: Whitney
Math: We have been working in our fourteenth unit, Using Data to
Answer Questions. Students are working
with bar graphs, picture graphs, tally graphs, working to make their own graphs
and working to make picture graphs. This
unit will wrap up early next week. Our
fifteenth unit will be Geometry.
Writing: First graders have been busy this week working on their
April portfolio pieces. We have also begun butterfly journals.
Phonics: We continue work in our eleventh unit, which covers the vowel-consonant-e syllable in one-syllable words and long vowel sounds. This unit will span three weeks and will wrap up in early May. At home in your child’s writing, you should see application of the silent e to words like cape and lime. Your child can continue to tap these words in the same manner they tap CVC words. There is no tap for the letter e since it is silent.
Science: We have begun our study of the butterfly life
cycle! Students will watch their own
caterpillar as it transitions into a butterfly later this spring. This is an exciting time for students! We will resume our study of pebbles, sand,
and silt next week.