Friday, September 11, 2015

Weekly Update September 11th

Important Dates/Events:
·         Tuesday, September 15-Thursday, September 17th- Scholastic Book Fair (1A goes Tuesday)
·         Thursday, September 17th- Back to School Night at 7:00
·         Friday, September 25th—Casual Day
·         Friday, October 2nd-- School mass at 10:00

Math: We are continuing work in our first unit, Understanding Addition.  This week we worked on spatial patterns and making the numbers 6-9.  We began introducing addition expressions and number sentences today.  Students have been working with counters as manipulatives to support understanding of these concepts.  Next week we will move to stories about joining numbers, adding numbers in any order, and representing and solving story problems with addition.  Our unit one assessment will be next Friday.  See the blog for addition and subtraction math games! (

Phonics: In phonics we are continuing work in the first unit, which focuses on letter-keyword recognition for consonants and short vowels, letter formation for all lower-case letters, alphabetical order, and sound recognition for consonants and short vowels.  We have introduced 14 letters and will introduce the remaining letters next week.  We will have an assessment next Friday on this material.

Religion:  In religion this week students have been exploring God’s creation.  Each student focused on one day of creation.  Students illustrated the days and they are on display in the classroom.  Next week we will focus on caring for God’s creation.

Benchmark Reading Assessments: This week I began to individually assess student reading levels using the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment.  These assessments will tell me each student’s approximate reading level in terms of grade, comprehension, fluency, and decoding ability.  These assessments take a bit of time.  I anticipate having them done by the first week in October.  The information I gather from these assessments will help me place students in Guided Reading groups.  To find out more click here:

See you next week!