Thursday, May 26, 2016

Weekly Update May 26th

·         Friday, May 27th—No School
·         Monday, May 30th—No school 
  Wednesday, June 1st--Art Show
  Monday, June 13th-- Field Day (rain date 15th)
  Thursday, June 16th-- Mass at 11AM followed by noon dismissal  

 Adam's Farm: On Monday we had a fantastic butterfly release!  Thank you to all of the parents that made this outing possible.
Phonics: We continue work with two syllable words.  Students are working with two syllable, short vowel words like bathtub or napkin. We are teaching the rules of syllable division. We will move to mixed syllable types in two syllable words next week.  

Math: In math students continue to work in our new unit, Geometry.  We have been building with the shapes students were introduced to last week, and thinking about the ways that objects can be created out of a combination of these shapes. Next week students will be introduced to solid figures.

Writing: The last few weeks of school are all about writing!  Students are working on their final bulletin board writing pieces, which will focus on their summer adventures.  They will be ready for you to see next week!