Important Dates/Events:
Tuesday, November 21st—1A
Thanksgiving Celebration 12:30-1:30
Wednesday-Friday, November 22-24th—Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 29th –
Santa’s Workshop
Thursday, December 1st --
Picture Retakes
Friday, December 2nd – ½ Day
(Noon Dismissal)
Friday, December 9TH –
Trimester One Report Cards
Council Food Drive: First grade is dry pasta for the food
drive. Due by Tuesday the 22nd!
Upcoming Star of the Week: Eliana (November 28th)
Upcoming Scientist of the Week: Whitley (December 2nd)
Math: On Tuesday we began work in our fifth unit, Addition Facts to 20. We will focus on doubles, doubles plus one
and two, and making easy numbers to add with.
Phonics: We are working
through unit five, which is a week-long unit covered the glued sound sounds
“am” and “an” like in pan and ham.
Next Monday we will have an assessment on these skills and will then
begin the suffix s ending like in the word hills after the Thanksgiving break.
Students will also learn that s can say the z sound like in the word bugs.
Trick Word Assessments: On
Tuesday your child brought home their trimester one trick word assessment. Students have been working with these words
this fall. Words with errors are great
words to add to a stack of flash cards for reading and spelling practice at
Religion: We are continuing discussion of the Great Commandment. Students are working to explore how we can
apply the Great Commandment in their daily lives.
Guided Reading: In Guided Reading, all students will begin a new book
following Thanksgiving break in a new reading group. Each group has now worked with a fiction and
a non-fiction text. We are enjoying
reading groups very much!
Enjoy the weekend.