Friday, September 18, 2015

Weekly Update September 18th

Important Dates/Events:
·         Friday, September 25th- Casual Day
·         Friday, October 2nd- School mass at 10:00
·         Tuesday, October 6th—Moose Hill Trip
·         Friday, October 9th and Monday, October 12th – No School

Upcoming Star of the Week: Nicholas Silva

Math: We completed our unit, Understanding Addition this week.  We will begin on Monday with an assessment on Unit 1 skills.  We will then entering our second unit, Understanding Subtraction.  We will begin with finding the missing parts of 6, 7, 8, and 9.  After that we will move to subtraction expressions and number sentences.  Similarly to our addition unit, students will work with counters and cubes as manipulatives to support understanding.  

Benchmark Reading Assessments: Find out more about this on our blog! (

Phonics:  Today in phonics we completed the first unit, which focused on letter-keyword recognition for consonants and short vowels, letter formation for all lower-case letters, alphabetical order, and sound recognition for consonants and short vowels.  We will have our unit assessment on Monday.  Up next in our second unit is blending and segmenting three sound words with a review on tapping as a skill, sentence dictation procedures and story retelling.

Religion: In Religion we are continuing with the theme of creation.  Students are exploring ways to be caretakers of God’s creation.  We have been discussing the ways in which we can honor God by thanking, knowing, loving, and serving God. 

Science: We began science this week with our first exploration of senses.  Check out the blog below for information on our first experiment with touch!  We had a great time.

Have a great weekend!