Monday, October 13th – Columbus Day,
no school
Friday, October 16th – Picture Day
(uniform not required)
Friday, October 23rd –Progress
Friday, October 30th –Halloween Party
Fall Conferences: Please
use the link below to sign up.
Secret Reader: There
are still a few spots left to sign up.
Please click the link below to sign up.
Moose Hill: We had a great trip!
Math: On Thursday
we completed unit two with an assessment.
Look for these assessments early next week. On Monday, we will begin our third unit, Five
and Ten Relationships. We will begin by
representing numbers in a ten-frame, recognizing numbers in a ten-frame, and
exploring parts that make up ten. This
unit will wrap up next week with an assessment.
Up next will be our fourth unit, Addition and Subtraction Facts to 12. Check out this link on the blog for addition
and subtraction math games:
Phonics: On Thursday we completed unit two, which
focused on CVC words and introduced new trick words. On Monday we will begin our third unit which
introduces digraphs, which are two letters working together to make one sound.
Additional topics covered in this unit are phoneme segmentation, the use of the
question mark in sentence dictation, narrative story form, reading orally with
prosody and expression and retelling a story with picture notes and
visualization. The unit will span two
Religion: We are
continuing to learn about Jesus and his family.
Guided Reading: Guided reading began this week! Each group met for their first instructional
session. Students worked to read
independently, chorally, and through page alternation in their small
group. Written response follows many
sessions. Some groups will move to a new
book next week, while others will continue for one or two more sessions before
they move on.
Check out the lesson below from reading this week!
Have a great long weekend!