As we jump into Guided Reading, we are learning about how good readers write about reading. I introduced a list of sentence starters that we will use throughout the year to guide of written response about what we've read.
Together, we read the book, The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. Using this funny book, students were asked to identify their favorite part. Students were then asked to push their thinking about why they chose their idea as their favorite part. This was a great book to introduce this idea with, since each child was able to think about what made each page special.
Below are some samples and photos from our lesson!
Together, we read the book, The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. Using this funny book, students were asked to identify their favorite part. Students were then asked to push their thinking about why they chose their idea as their favorite part. This was a great book to introduce this idea with, since each child was able to think about what made each page special.
Below are some samples and photos from our lesson!